Help with Anxiety

Trauma-Informed Jiu-Jitsu

A Personal Perspective: Brazilian jiu-jitsu is being introduced as a means to address trauma, fear, anxiety, and addiction. In the field of psychotherapy, a current focus is helping clients get more in touch with their bodies. The body is the seat of knowledge and thus more therapists are guiding clients to, at the very least, […]

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How to Take the Power Out of Anxious Thoughts

Experiencing anxiety? Learning to step back from your thoughts can help. Taking the power out of anxious thoughts can help anxiety symptoms. One way to do this is learning to step back and observe thoughts. Being less fused and more aware of the process of your thinking can help you manage difficult thoughts more effectively.

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Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help?

Question: I’m going on a long haul flight soon and wanted to ask my GP for something to help with anxiety and restlessness on the flight. I took a Xanax someone gave me before and it worked wonders — is that the best thing to ask for?

Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help? Read More »

Digital Anxiety

Do you struggle with digital anxiety? A few adjustments can make a big difference. Anxiety is a part of living, both online and offline. Keeping an anxiety journal may help to relieve stress. It may also help to limit social media and screen time and commit to non-digital self-care practices.

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The Cost of Anxiety

Anxiety can negatively affect different parts of your life. Anxiety can negatively affect your relationships, work performance, and overall health. Anxiety is associated with thought patterns than can make you vulnerable to depression. Recalibrating your expectations to a more realistic level can reduce anxiety.

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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Is as Effective as an Antidepressant Drug for Treating Anxiety Disorders

Study reveals mindfulness-based stress reduction methods proved to be as effective as antidepressants for relieving symptoms for those with anxiety disorders.

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Panic 101: what to do during a panic attack – and how to prevent them

A sudden episode of intense fear leaves sufferers feeling debilitated and out of control. Practical steps can help to regain calm and avoid future attacksPanic is like a runaway train. A form of acute anxiety that quickly spirals out of control. As a psychiatrist, I try to help prevent anxiety from escalating into panic in the first place. There is so much we can do – from getting plenty of sleep to daily breathing exercises, to keeping blood sugar stable – to decrease overall anxiety and eliminate unnecessary stress responses that might otherwise drop us into a state of panic. But sometimes our anxiety passes the point of no return and we find ourselves in a full-blown panic attack – a sudden episode of intense fear, accompanied by physical reactions such as rapid heart rate and shortness of breath.A panic attack is essentially a discrete stress response in the body with no real danger or apparent cause. In a survey of over 3,000 urban residents across the UK, more than half stated that they’d had at least one panic attack in their life, with 14% experiencing them at least once a month. Continue reading…

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