Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) for Depression

Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) for Depression Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Depression is a mental health condition that affects a large part of the population at least once over their life span, significantly reducing life quality and impairing work and relationships. Psychotherapy and medication are the main treatments for the condition. Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) is a therapy

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Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) and Trauma

Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) has been described for several mental health conditions. This article gives a brief introduction to the application of CFT to trauma. Meaningful communication is at the heart at understanding psychological dynamics, and trauma usually causes a significant rupture in the meaning world and communication web of the individual.

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Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) for OCD

Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) for OCD Dr. Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Communication-Focused Therapy® (CFT) is a psychotherapy developed by the author, which can be applied to a number of mental health conditions, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The flows of internal and external communication maintain the functioning and the development of the individual in the world. If

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