Jonathan Haverkampf

Trauma-Informed Jiu-Jitsu

A Personal Perspective: Brazilian jiu-jitsu is being introduced as a means to address trauma, fear, anxiety, and addiction. In the field of psychotherapy, a current focus is helping clients get more in touch with their bodies. The body is the seat of knowledge and thus more therapists are guiding clients to, at the very least, […]

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Is Your Anxiety or Depression Worse When You’re Alone?

Have screens made us sadder, more anxious, and emotionally dumber? Screen dependency can impair people’s ability to enjoy alone time, fostering disassociation and disconnection from themselves and others. Studies show that screen dependency can negatively impact mental health, the ability to self-soothe, and emotional intelligence. Steps to enjoy alone time include limiting screen time, starting

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How to Take the Power Out of Anxious Thoughts

Experiencing anxiety? Learning to step back from your thoughts can help. Taking the power out of anxious thoughts can help anxiety symptoms. One way to do this is learning to step back and observe thoughts. Being less fused and more aware of the process of your thinking can help you manage difficult thoughts more effectively.

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José Francisco López-Gil, nutricionista: “Hemos visto un aumento de la obsesión compulsiva por la comida saludable con las redes sociales”

Un estudio que incluye 16 países concluye que el 22% de los niños y adolescentes sufren trastornos de la alimentación

José Francisco López-Gil, nutricionista: “Hemos visto un aumento de la obsesión compulsiva por la comida saludable con las redes sociales” Read More »

Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help?

Question: I’m going on a long haul flight soon and wanted to ask my GP for something to help with anxiety and restlessness on the flight. I took a Xanax someone gave me before and it worked wonders — is that the best thing to ask for?

Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help? Read More »

Digital Anxiety

Do you struggle with digital anxiety? A few adjustments can make a big difference. Anxiety is a part of living, both online and offline. Keeping an anxiety journal may help to relieve stress. It may also help to limit social media and screen time and commit to non-digital self-care practices.

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The Cost of Anxiety

Anxiety can negatively affect different parts of your life. Anxiety can negatively affect your relationships, work performance, and overall health. Anxiety is associated with thought patterns than can make you vulnerable to depression. Recalibrating your expectations to a more realistic level can reduce anxiety.

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[UK] Girlfriend has airplaine trauma but she needs to fly for a funeral. How do we get her something to keep her calm enough to fly?

After a pretty scary landing (engines screaming, people lifting out of their seats, stuff flying around the cabin), my girlfriend has been left traumatised. She was meant to fly last year to see family for christmas, but even a week before the flight she was waking up in the night and vomiting from anxiety. She

[UK] Girlfriend has airplaine trauma but she needs to fly for a funeral. How do we get her something to keep her calm enough to fly? Read More »