Por qué dormimos menos y peor que hace cuatro décadas

Uno de cada cuatro adultos cree que no descansa bien, y España lidera el consumo mundial de medicamentos para dormir. Causas individuales, pero también sociales como los horarios, la falta de conciliación o el uso de pantallas, están detrás de este problema cada vez más generalizado en la sociedad

Por qué dormimos menos y peor que hace cuatro décadas Read More »

Is Exercise as Effective as Medications or Talk Therapy?

Moving your body significantly improves depression, anxiety, and overall health. So why is it not a front-line approach in the United States? While exercise is well-recognized as beneficial to mood and health, it is often overlooked in the initial management of these conditions. The largest meta-analytic research study to date evaluating the impact of exercise

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Detecting Hidden Brain States With Mathematical Models

Using a mathematical model to study how the brain predicts information and learns, researchers discovered signals for accuracy are found in the anterior insula and anxiety affects activity levels in this brain region. … Why do we have emotions? Klaas Enno Stephan, a professor at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, considers the question

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Optimize Your Anxiety

Worried about your career and unsure how to become valuable to others? Author and venture capitalist Matt Higgins offers some insights and knowledge. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, a healthy amount of stress (i.e. performance anxiety) can help increase one’s performance. According to businessman Matt Higgins, being comfortable at work means you have excess capacity

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Trauma-Informed Jiu-Jitsu

A Personal Perspective: Brazilian jiu-jitsu is being introduced as a means to address trauma, fear, anxiety, and addiction. In the field of psychotherapy, a current focus is helping clients get more in touch with their bodies. The body is the seat of knowledge and thus more therapists are guiding clients to, at the very least,

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Is Your Anxiety or Depression Worse When You’re Alone?

Have screens made us sadder, more anxious, and emotionally dumber? Screen dependency can impair people’s ability to enjoy alone time, fostering disassociation and disconnection from themselves and others. Studies show that screen dependency can negatively impact mental health, the ability to self-soothe, and emotional intelligence. Steps to enjoy alone time include limiting screen time, starting

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How to Take the Power Out of Anxious Thoughts

Experiencing anxiety? Learning to step back from your thoughts can help. Taking the power out of anxious thoughts can help anxiety symptoms. One way to do this is learning to step back and observe thoughts. Being less fused and more aware of the process of your thinking can help you manage difficult thoughts more effectively.

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José Francisco López-Gil, nutricionista: “Hemos visto un aumento de la obsesión compulsiva por la comida saludable con las redes sociales”

Un estudio que incluye 16 países concluye que el 22% de los niños y adolescentes sufren trastornos de la alimentación

José Francisco López-Gil, nutricionista: “Hemos visto un aumento de la obsesión compulsiva por la comida saludable con las redes sociales” Read More »

Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help?

Question: I’m going on a long haul flight soon and wanted to ask my GP for something to help with anxiety and restlessness on the flight. I took a Xanax someone gave me before and it worked wonders — is that the best thing to ask for?

Ask the doctor: I’m dreading a long haul flight — will Xanax help? Read More »