
COVID-19 and Eating

COVID has changed the world, and some of these changes will reverberate long after the pandemic has passed. Eating patterns are very basic to everyday life and they are by no means an exception. Psychological distress, stress management, financial difficulties, and abrupt schedule changes may have contributed to disordered eating during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Helpful

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Spanking of Children

Corporal punishment of children is, fortunately, a practice that is becoming rarer in the world. For the science to back up this trend, the following article may be of interest. The author’s findings suggest that spanking may alter neural responses to environmental threats in a manner similar to more severe forms of maltreatment.

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The Bliss of Communication

Communication can be bliss. We fulfill our needs through communicating with others, and it helps if our way of communicating with others is aligned with our needs, values and aspirations. However, too often we do not pay much attention to communication. We might see that something is not working on the job or in a

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