Psychotherapy Research

Classic Psychedelic Use and Mechanisms of Mental Health: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Spirituality and Emotion Processing on Symptoms of Anxiety, Depressed Mood, and Disordered Eating in a Community Sample

Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Ahead of Print. A resurgence of research has begun to systematically examine the relationship between psychedelic use and mental health and well-being. Although preliminary findings examining the therapeutic value of these substances show promise, the mechanisms through which psychedelic use may predict reduced mental distress remain poorly understood. To this end, we surveyed a community sample of individuals (n = 159) who endorsed lifetime psychedelic use to examine relationships among psychedelic use and self-reported spirituality, difficulties in emotion regulation, and symptoms of mental health issues. Results revealed a pathway through which classic psychedelic use predicted greater spirituality, which in turn predicted better emotion regulation, ultimately predicting lower levels of anxiety, depressed mood, and disordered eating. These results contribute to our understanding of potential mechanisms of change with respect to psychedelics and mental health. They also add to the growing body of literature pointing to the healing effects of the cultivation of spirituality and emotion regulation as separate and related constructs.

Classic Psychedelic Use and Mechanisms of Mental Health: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Spirituality and Emotion Processing on Symptoms of Anxiety, Depressed Mood, and Disordered Eating in a Community Sample Read More »

Therapist perceptions of the implementation of a new screening procedure using the ItFits-toolkit in an iCBT routine care clinic: A mixed-methods study using the consolidated framework for implementation research

… This study investigates the implementation of a new, more automated screening procedure using the ItFits-toolkit in the online clinic, Internet Psychiatry (iPsych) (, delivering guided iCBT for mild to moderate anxiety and depressive disorders. The study focuses on how the therapists experienced the process. … … The therapists experienced an improvement in the intake

Therapist perceptions of the implementation of a new screening procedure using the ItFits-toolkit in an iCBT routine care clinic: A mixed-methods study using the consolidated framework for implementation research Read More »

The influences of mindfulness on high-stakes mathematics test achievement of middle school students

Research has shown that mindfulness can reduce students’ negative emotions associated with high-stakes tests and thereby improve test performance. This study explored the association between mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) and high-risk math test scores of middle school students, which is noticeably slim in the domain of mathematics education, through a mediating process involving math-specific test anxiety and math self-efficacy. Using data from a sample of 45 students, age 12–13, we found empirical support for a significant positive correlation between mindfulness and middle school students’ math achievement. Participants listened to a mindfulness audio every other week before a mathematics test. Weekly mathematics test scores, student group discussion data, and in-depth interview data were analyzed to explore how mindfulness affected students’ mathematics test performance, which showed a statistically significant improvement after mindfulness compared to mathematics achievement without the intervention. Our results indicate that mindfulness can relieve mathematics anxiety symptoms, including physiological manifestations, test-unrelated thinking and worries, and problem-solving obstacles caused by mathematics anxiety. Also, mindfulness, especially its non-judgmental attitude, positively affects students’ mathematical self-efficacy. The current research provides evidence of the mindfulness intervention’s efficacy for improving middle school mathematics test performance but also identifies the complexities of implementing it with large numbers of students.

The influences of mindfulness on high-stakes mathematics test achievement of middle school students Read More »

Exposure therapy to feared foods may help kids with eating disorders

Whether you’re afraid of dogs, needles or enclosed spaces, one of the most effective interventions for this type of anxiety disorder is exposure therapy in which you confront your fear in a safe environment. A new study finds that exposure therapy is also a promising treatment for adolescents with eating disorders. They found that exposure to feared foods — such as candy bars and pizza — helped kids who were in a partial hospitalization program for eating disorders experience decreased anxiety toward food.

Exposure therapy to feared foods may help kids with eating disorders Read More »

Moderating effects of humanistic care and socioeconomic status on the relationship among pain intensity, psychological factors, and psychological function in adults with cancer pain from a province of China: A cross-sectional study

… Our sample comprised 123 adult inpatients with cancer pain. Demographic variables were obtained from the Hospital Information System of The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University. Pain intensity, psychological factors, and psychological functions were evaluated with four scales, and humanistic care was practiced with a part of the patients by clinical pharmacists. First, univariate

Moderating effects of humanistic care and socioeconomic status on the relationship among pain intensity, psychological factors, and psychological function in adults with cancer pain from a province of China: A cross-sectional study Read More »

Walking through the valley of the shadow of death—The psychotherapy of the head and neck cancer patient expressing suicidal ideations and impulses

Journal of Clinical Psychology, EarlyView.

Walking through the valley of the shadow of death—The psychotherapy of the head and neck cancer patient expressing suicidal ideations and impulses Read More »

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late-Life Depression (CBTlate): Results of a Multicenter, Randomized, Observer-Blinded, Controlled Trial

Introduction: Different psychotherapeutic interventions for late-life depression (LLD) have been proposed, but their evaluation in large, multicenter trials is rare. Objective: The present study evaluated the efficacy of a specific cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for LLD (LLD-CBT) in comparison with a supportive unspecific intervention (SUI), both administered in a specialist psychiatric outpatient setting. … Conclusions:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late-Life Depression (CBTlate): Results of a Multicenter, Randomized, Observer-Blinded, Controlled Trial Read More »

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in adolescents with multiple psychiatric diagnoses

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is a promising new treatment for a variety of mental disorders of adolescence. There is currently an adolescent mental health crisis, with a high prevalence of disorders, diagnostic complexity, and many adolescents failing to respond to conventional treatments. While there is strong evidence for the use of ketamine in adults for a variety

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in adolescents with multiple psychiatric diagnoses Read More »