Relationship Chemistry

Chemistry is about the communication interaction two people have. It reflects their patterns of communicating with the world and themselves. Chemistry is thus an interaction between two ways of communicating, which also mirrors the needs, values and aspirations of each individual. Keywords: chemistry, relationship, communication, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry For one-time access to read the paper please […]

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Freedom in Psychotherapy

Freedom and Psychotherapy Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, MD Psychotherapy requires a freedom to imagine and think and talk about things that may not be talked about anywhere else. This freedom in communication is a central pillar of the therapeutic process because change is brought about by meaningful communication. Keywords: freedom, communication, psychotherapy, psychiatry Table of Contents

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Humans have highly sophisticated ways of communicating with each other. Communication is a powerful tool because it makes change possible. If communication is open and free, it facilitates the rapid exchange of meaningful messages which contain the information that brings about change. Since information helps people adapt and make innovative changes, a state of meaningful

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Change a Life

Change a Life Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Psychotherapy should aim at changing a person’s life, so that values, needs and aspirations can be fulfilled, and more happiness be achieved. Unfortunately, many psychotherapeutic approaches do not try to reach this goal, but are aimed at functioning, which reduces the humanity, individuality and autonomy of a patient.

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Interpreting the Past

Interpreting the Past Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Interpreting the past, and making sense of it, is important because it is through the relevance one gives aspects of the past and sees meaning in how the past exerts an influence on the present. Keywords: thinking, cognition, psychotherapy Contents Introduction. 3 Basic Parameters. 3 ‘Issues’ 4 Separating

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Connecting with Others Successfully

Radiating contentment and happiness tells a love interest or a business partner that we are on a good path, which makes these encounters more rewarding for everyone involved. It also helps form bonds and relationships with other people. But communication is much more. It helps us attain the things we need, value and aspire to,

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The Courage to Be Oneself

Anxiety, depression and many other conditions are closely related with the anxiety that one should conform to expectations, whether of internal or external origin, to be someone different. It often seems difficult to simply follow one’s own values, needs, interests and aspirations, although they lead to higher levels of happiness in the long-run.   Keywords:

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Connecting with Oneself Successfully

To be happy one needs to connect with oneself emotionally and cognitively. This is largely an automatic process and mostly requires little conscious effort. However, there may be situations where one has become anxious or even fearful of open communication and a deeper connection with oneself, which obscures the basic parameters, one’s own needs, values

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