
Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Dr. Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Abstract – Bipolar disorder affects an individual’s affective states (mood). The different flavours of bipolar disorder have in common that there are alterations in mood between above ‘normal’ (hypomania, mania) and normal or below normal (melancholia, depression). The other important mood disorders are the various types of depression, while

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A Brief Overview of Psychiatric Medication

Psychiatric medication has made many psychiatric conditions treatable within the last hundred years. Especially in combination with psychotherapy, medication has changed the lives of many patients radically, allowing them to have families and work in normal jobs even with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, which were previously considered untreatable. Advances in psychopharmacology not only

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Panic Attacks and Medication (3)

Abstract – Panic attacks can interfere greatly with a patient’s social, professional and personal life. The first-line treatment is usually a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Medication broadly addresses two time horizons. In the short-run, benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine-like drugs reduces anxiety within twenty minutes to an hour, which is too long to treat an acute

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Silence in Relationships and CFT

Silence in Relationships and CFT Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Silence can be the most destructive phase in a relationship. Meaningful communication is the stuff relationships are made of and what maintains them. Heated emotional exchanges., as long as they are not aimed at personality attributes or communication patterns that are close to the core self

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Relationship Chemistry

Chemistry is about the communication interaction two people have. It reflects their patterns of communicating with the world and themselves. Chemistry is thus an interaction between two ways of communicating, which also mirrors the needs, values and aspirations of each individual. Keywords: chemistry, relationship, communication, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry For one-time access to read the paper please

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