
Beating the False Alarms of Anxiety

Our brain activates our body’s anxiety alarm system when it makes threat predictions. These predictions are based on past experiences, stored in memory as fear conditioning and threat beliefs. However, our threat bias often leads us to overestimate risk and underestimate our ability to cope, resulting in false alarms. Understanding and recognizing your own threat

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The Fear of Intimacy derives from 3 Fears

To build and maintain healthy connections, it’s important to be open, trusting, and emotionally invested in relationships. Sadly, many individuals face anxieties that hinder their ability to form and sustain fulfilling bonds. These fears often originate from past experiences that have left emotional scars, deep insecurities, or negative beliefs about oneself and relationships in general.

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Strategies to Conquer Anxiety After Failure: 10 Powerful Approaches for Overcoming Setbacks

Failure is something we all encounter. How we respond to it shapes our personal growth and resilience. By applying good strategies, you can effectively reduce anxiety and seize the growth opportunities that failure offers.

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Conquer Relationship OCD Fears: Embrace Freedom and Peace of Mind

Relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (ROCD) is a form of OCD where individuals have intrusive thoughts and compulsions related to their relationship. People with ROCD experience distressing doubts, anxiety, shame, or urgency. They respond by engaging in compulsive behaviours or mental acts to ease their distress and doubts. Practising exposure and response prevention enables effective coping and

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