
Finding Relief: How to Get Help with Anxiety

Anxiety can be an overwhelming and debilitating experience, impacting every facet of life. From the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night to the physical sensations that leave you feeling drained, managing anxiety can seem like an insurmountable task. However, help and relief are available. Here are some effective strategies to navigate and alleviate […]

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Conquering Canine Anxiety: Steps to Overcome the Fear of Dogs

Dogs, known for their loyalty and affection, are often cherished companions. However, for some individuals, encountering these furry friends can be a source of immense fear and anxiety. This fear, known as cynophobia, can stem from various experiences or perceptions. Overcoming this fear involves understanding it and taking gradual steps towards feeling more comfortable around

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Navigating Anxiety in the Context of Sexual Orientation: Understanding and Coping Strategies

Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect of human identity, yet for many individuals, it can become a source of anxiety and stress. The complexities of societal expectations, self-acceptance, and potential discrimination can contribute to feelings of anxiety among individuals exploring or identifying with different sexual orientations. Understanding and addressing these concerns is crucial for mental

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Strategies to Successfully Manage Exam and Test Anxiety

Exams are a common source of stress for students, often leading to feelings of anxiety and apprehension. While a certain level of stress can be motivating, excessive anxiety can hinder performance. Fortunately, there are numerous effective strategies to manage exam anxiety and perform well under pressure. Understanding Exam Anxiety Exam anxiety is a natural response

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5 Things Not to Say to Someone Experiencing Anxiety

When someone is anxious, it can be tempting to lend reassurance. Still, even well-intended comments sometimes hurt. This article offers several helpful points, among them are the following: Telling an anxious person that they need to get it together or that they are ‘ok’ is often not helpful. An expression of empathy for where someone

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I want to stop feeling so much. It’s exhausting. Am I simply too empathetic or just crazy?

Why do i cry so much always? Im not normal. No one cries as much as me around me. I cry looking at people on road, I cry looking at underprivileged children playing in the sun with no proper food, shelter, clothing. I cry seeing an old man eating alone because it feels lonely like

I want to stop feeling so much. It’s exhausting. Am I simply too empathetic or just crazy? Read More »

The Complexities of Mother-Daughter Relationships

Mother-daughter relationships are a unique blend of joy, love, understanding, and, at times, conflict. There’s a shared experience that makes them deeply connected, yet unique individual perspectives can lead to clashes and misunderstandings. The first common challenge in this relationship is communication. Mothers, often with a wealth of life experience, may offer advice that daughters

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The Fear of Intimacy derives from 3 Fears

To build and maintain healthy connections, it’s important to be open, trusting, and emotionally invested in relationships. Sadly, many individuals face anxieties that hinder their ability to form and sustain fulfilling bonds. These fears often originate from past experiences that have left emotional scars, deep insecurities, or negative beliefs about oneself and relationships in general.

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