Fear News

children avoidant dr jonathan haverkampf psychotherapy psychiatry

Empowering Avoidant Children to Overcome Challenges and Fears

Encouraging kids to step outside their comfort zone is crucial for their growth and development. Some children may seek safety by avoiding risks and new experiences, but this can limit their world and opportunities. Parents can help by creating chances to face challenges, and encouraging children to try new things.

Empowering Avoidant Children to Overcome Challenges and Fears Read More »

‘It’s like living with your worst fears on a hamster wheel, and you can’t get out’ – How OCD can destroy relationships

Zachary James remembers the exact moment that his first intrusive thought lodged itself in his mind. He was 19 and working in a store when a “creepy man” entered the children’s clothing section.

‘It’s like living with your worst fears on a hamster wheel, and you can’t get out’ – How OCD can destroy relationships Read More »

All About Imposter Syndrome: Definition, Health Effects, and Coping

Source: APA PsycPORT™: Psychology Newswire In 1978, two psychologists defined something called “impostor phenomenon” as an experience of feeling like an intellectual phony. The phenomenon is marked by persistent self-doubt and, often, a fear of being exposed as a fraud or imposter—even though, in reality, you’ve been successful in the very field where you feel

All About Imposter Syndrome: Definition, Health Effects, and Coping Read More »

Angst bewältigen: Früchte des Muts – SPIEGEL Coaching Podcast

Angst hindert Menschen oft daran, Dinge zu tun, die ihnen wichtig sind und die sie mögen. Mit einer Checkliste finden Sie die nötige Motivation, Situationen trotz Angst zu meistern.

Angst bewältigen: Früchte des Muts – SPIEGEL Coaching Podcast Read More »