Anxiety Resources

Strategies to Conquer Anxiety After Failure: 10 Powerful Approaches for Overcoming Setbacks

Failure is something we all encounter. How we respond to it shapes our personal growth and resilience. By applying good strategies, you can effectively reduce anxiety and seize the growth opportunities that failure offers.

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Conquer Relationship OCD Fears: Embrace Freedom and Peace of Mind

Relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (ROCD) is a form of OCD where individuals have intrusive thoughts and compulsions related to their relationship. People with ROCD experience distressing doubts, anxiety, shame, or urgency. They respond by engaging in compulsive behaviours or mental acts to ease their distress and doubts. Practising exposure and response prevention enables effective coping and

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Exploring the Link Between the Gut Microbiome and Anxiety

In 2022, Caltech researchers discovered that a specific microbial metabolite called 4-ethylphenyl sulfate can increase anxiety in mice. They also found that transferring fecal microbiota from anxious mice to non-anxious mice caused the latter to become anxious. In addition, antibiotic treatment in mice, which affects the gut microbiome, has been shown to impact anxiety levels.

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fear of needles Dr Jonathan Haverkampf psychotherapy psychiatry treatment

6 Steps to Overcome a Fear of Needles

Fear of needles is a widespread issue, affecting individuals of all ages. Research suggests that up to 50% of teenagers, and at least 20 to 30% of adults experience needle fear. This problem can severely limit your life, potentially preventing you from receiving vital medical care or pursuing parenthood through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). But fear

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social media loneliness anxiety depression Dr Jonathan Haverkampf psychotherapy psychiatry

Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness

Researchers found college students who tried to cut their social media use to 30 minutes per day scored significantly lower for anxiety, depression, loneliness and fear of missing out at the end of the two-week experiment and when compared to the control group.

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curiosity anxiety uncertainty Dr Jonathan Haverkampf psychotherapy psychiatry

A New Way to Tame Your Anxiety

A new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality reveals how curiosity can help alleviate feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Curiosity can be divided into two categories: interest curiosity and deprivation curiosity. People high on interest-curiosity tend to hold more positive attitudes towards uncertainty. Embracing the feeling of not knowing, sparked by curiosity,

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children avoidant dr jonathan haverkampf psychotherapy psychiatry

Empowering Avoidant Children to Overcome Challenges and Fears

Encouraging kids to step outside their comfort zone is crucial for their growth and development. Some children may seek safety by avoiding risks and new experiences, but this can limit their world and opportunities. Parents can help by creating chances to face challenges, and encouraging children to try new things.

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