Jonathan Haverkampf

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where patients either have repeated intrusive thoughts, perform compulsive behaviours (rituals), or both. The attempt to suppress these thoughts or behaviours leads to heightened anxiety and tension. While patients notice that the thoughts or behaviours do not make sense, they often find it impossible to stop them. […]

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Psychotherapy to Treat and Manage Depression

Psychotherapy helps people with depression: * Understand the memories, thoughts, emotions and behaviours that contribute to their depression * Understand unresolved emotions and life events from one’s personal history which may contribute to the depression * Understand interpersonal difficulties and maladaptive interpersonal interaction patterns * Better connect with oneself to resolve emotional conflicts and develop

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Therapy for Panic Attacks

A combination of psychotherapy and medication has good empirical support for its effectiveness in the therapy of panic attacks. In more severe cases of panic attacks, when it is no longer possible to leave the house, medication may be needed to make psychotherapy possible. Among the various psychotherapeutic approaches, CBT targets maladaptive thought processes and

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Trauma Therapy: EMDR and PTSD

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a multi-phasic psychotherapeutic approach often used for traumatic memories, particularly in PTSD, but also in anxiety. EMDR is believed to help in the processing of upsetting memories, thoughts, and feelings related to a trauma. By processing these experiences, PTSD symptoms are thought to decrease. EMDR is often combined

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Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder with recurring panic attacks. Panic attacks are episodes of intense anxiety and fear, often with heart palpitations, subjective difficulties of breathing, sweating, and other symptoms. They are usually associated with intense fear of imminent death or danger to the individual. Often panic attacks recede quite quickly, before any short-term

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems and changing unhelpful patterns in cognitions (e.g., thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), behaviours, and emotional regulation. It is used for several mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. CBT is based on the belief that thoughts, behaviours and emotions interact. Thus, thought

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Social Phobia

Social phobia is characterized by an excessive amount of social interactions or general fear of social situations, which can lead to avoidance of many or all social situations. The individual believes that he or she will be scrutinized by others. Exposure to social situations immediately provokes an anxiety response. Physical symptoms often include excessive blushing,

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How to Fit In

Are you socially anxious and wondering how to fit in? Maybe you’ve just moved to a new school or neighborhood, or maybe you’ve been feeling like an outsider in your current situation. Whatever the case may be, there are some things you can do to help yourself feel more comfortable and accepted. Ultimately, the best … Read More about How to Fit In
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30 Positive Affirmations for Social Anxiety

Positive affirmations for social anxiety are ways of talking to yourself that highlight your good qualities instead of what is wrong with you. Research shows they can help you to feel stronger, more confident, and more capable. Repeating positive affirmations for social anxiety can also help to shift your focus away from your fears and … Read More about 30 Positive Affirmations for Social Anxiety
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