
Young people to be prescribed surfing and dancing by NHS to help anxiety

Study to assess if ‘social prescribing’ such as surfing or rollerskating can stop conditions worsening while on waiting listsYoung people will take part in surfing, rollerskating and gardening to see whether sport, the arts and outdoor activities can make them less anxious and depressed.NHS mental health trusts will use the activities to help 600 young people on their waiting lists for care as part of a study into whether “social prescribing” helps improve mental wellbeing. Continue reading…

Young people to be prescribed surfing and dancing by NHS to help anxiety Read More »

Why is hoarding on the rise? We ask an expert

With anxiety, loneliness and the cost of living crisis driving an urge to accumulate, when does clutter become a cause for concern?Hoarding behaviours are on the rise, with some councils even setting up specialist teams to deal with the issue. But why? And what should you do if you’re worried? I asked Jo Cooke, director of Hoarding Disorders UK and a professional declutterer.What’s the difference between hoarding, collecting, or having a cluttered space?It’s about the emotion. Someone who hoards feels genuine distress at the thought of discarding their items. We say they find meaning in the mess; it’s a security blanket. That’s different from a collector who’d proudly swap one vintage car for another, or chronic disorganisation. Generally, if you offer to tidy up someone’s cluttered house they’ll say: “Yes, please!” Whereas someone with hoarding behaviours will say no, because they don’t like the thought of their things being touched. They are emotionally attached. Continue reading…

Why is hoarding on the rise? We ask an expert Read More »

How the psychiatric ward rescued me from severe postpartum anxiety

Days after my baby was born, I was overwhelmed by raw terror. Soon, my son and I were living in a specialist unit. This is what I learned“If you tried to leave now, we would section you.” It was my second day in the mother and baby unit, a psychiatric ward that treats women with perinatal mental health issues, while helping them care for their babies. I was sitting on the edge of my single bed, with its squeaky vinyl cover, my son asleep next to me in a cot that was impossibly huge for a four-week-old baby. I bit my lip and tried to stop my leg twitching up and down.“You’d section me?” Continue reading…

How the psychiatric ward rescued me from severe postpartum anxiety Read More »