Anxiety Treatment

A Powerful Therapeutic Tool for Defeating Negative Self-Talk

… I adapted the WBL model from core CBT principles and have found it useful while working with clients like Jill. At the beginning of our work together, Jill and I defined the specifics of situations that aroused her anxiety. Often when anxious a set of varied concerns coalesced and appeared as one item. We

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A laugh a day keeps the doctor away?

The former director of psychology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital says laughter has a lot going for it. It makes us feel good, brings people closer together, lightens a workplace, and even, Dattilo has found in her practice, helps those with depression manage their condition. “Health care is expensive,” said Dattilo, an instructor of psychology

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Interaction Structures in the Online Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of a Patient with Anxiety Symptoms

Interaction structures (IS) are reciprocal and mutual patterns of interaction between the therapist and patient, sometimes without either being aware of them. IS are mostly unique to each dyad but also can capture patterns that might be due to a particular therapy approach or clinical condition. The identification of IS in online psychodynamic settings can

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Behavioral Therapy vs Supportive Therapy for Youths With Social Anxiety Disorder

Interview with Jens Högström, PhD, and Eva Serlachius, MD, PhD, authors of Therapist-Guided Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Internet-Delivered Supportive Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Behavioral Therapy vs Supportive Therapy for Youths With Social Anxiety Disorder Read More »

The Neurobiology of Anxiety

Mood and anxiety disorders are believed to stem from an imbalance among neurons in the brain’s emotional hubs instead of areas responsible for higher thought processes. They are situated in the frontal lobe, which is said to be the most recently evolved part of our brains. Furthermore, evidence shows that the brain mechanisms engaged during

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