Anxiety Resources

5 Things Not to Say to Someone Experiencing Anxiety

When someone is anxious, it can be tempting to lend reassurance. Still, even well-intended comments sometimes hurt. This article offers several helpful points, among them are the following: Telling an anxious person that they need to get it together or that they are ‘ok’ is often not helpful. An expression of empathy for where someone

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Climate Anxiety and Nature Connectedness

IntroductionClimate change is a source of global concern that has both direct and general impacts on mental health. A recent study conducted following severe bushfires in Australia demonstrated relationships among nature connectedness, climate action, climate worry, and mental health; for example, nature connectedness was associated with climate worry, which in turn was associated with psychological distress.MethodsThe present study sought to replicate those findings while building on them in two important ways: on those findings in two ways: first, test similar relationships in a different geographical context that has been mostly spared from direct impacts by acute climate events; second, we take into consideration an additional factor, climate knowledge, which has been linked to relevant factors such as climate anxiety.ResultsThe results of a survey completed by 327 adults revealed a similar relationship between nature connectedness and climate anxiety, and between that and psychological distress. Further mirroring those previous findings, nature connectedness was associated with both individual and collective climate action, but the relationships between them and psychological distress differed.DiscussionThe proposed model was a better fit to the collected data among those with high levels of climate change knowledge than those with low levels, suggesting that such knowledge influences how the above factors relate to each other.

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Cancer-phobia: Our Fear of Cancer Is Outdated and Harmful

Our fear of cancer is in some ways outdated, excessive, and harmful—a phobia. Understanding the history and psychology of that fear, and recognizing its harms, can help.

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Anxiety and the Brain: The Forebrain’s Role in Social Decisions Unveiled

Researchers discovered that anxious individuals utilize a less optimal region of the forebrain when navigating socially challenging situations compared to their non-anxious counterparts. This was determined through brain scans that mapped regions active during simulated social scenarios.

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Don’t Let Others Fear You

Throughout evolution, humans have developed a natural inclination to be cautious and apprehensive in various situations. Our minds are equipped with multiple hair-trigger systems that continuously scan for potential threats. However, if we assert ourselves and meet our personal needs, we are less likely to react impulsively towards others. Remember, cultivating self-assurance and fulfilment promotes

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