Anxiety News

How the psychiatric ward rescued me from severe postpartum anxiety

Days after my baby was born, I was overwhelmed by raw terror. Soon, my son and I were living in a specialist unit. This is what I learned“If you tried to leave now, we would section you.” It was my second day in the mother and baby unit, a psychiatric ward that treats women with perinatal mental health issues, while helping them care for their babies. I was sitting on the edge of my single bed, with its squeaky vinyl cover, my son asleep next to me in a cot that was impossibly huge for a four-week-old baby. I bit my lip and tried to stop my leg twitching up and down.“You’d section me?” Continue reading…

How the psychiatric ward rescued me from severe postpartum anxiety Read More »

Anxiety is ubiquitous in today’s world. Are we recognising it more — or do we just like having a disorder?

A health panel in the US, the US Preventive Services Task Force, recently recommended that all adults under the age of 65 be screened for anxiety . It’s being described as a ‘global plague’ by medics, and the stats are pretty stark.

Anxiety is ubiquitous in today’s world. Are we recognising it more — or do we just like having a disorder? Read More »

COVID-19 pandemic cancellations took harsh toll on teen athletes, whose mental and physical health improved significantly after sports resumed, study finds

High rates of depression and anxiety reported by adolescent athletes whose sports were cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic improved significantly a year later when they were able to resume playing sports, according to new research.

COVID-19 pandemic cancellations took harsh toll on teen athletes, whose mental and physical health improved significantly after sports resumed, study finds Read More »