Bipolar Disorder and Medication (4)

Bipolar disorder affects an individual’s affective states (mood). The different flavours of bipolar disorder have in common that there are alterations in mood between above ‘normal’ (hypomania, mania) and normal or below normal (melancholia, depression). The other important mood disorders are the various types of depression, while mania without episodes of depression is a rarity. […]

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Anxiety and Medication

Make an Appointment with Dr Jonathan Haverkampf Anxiety and Medication Christian Jonathan Haverkampf Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior, such as pacing back and forth, somatic complaints, and rumination. It is the subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events, such as the feeling

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Beliefs and the Success of Psychotherapy

Beliefs and the Success of Psychotherapy Christian Jonathan Haverkampf, M.D. Beliefs do matter for the outcome of psychotherapy. This paper gives a brief overview of the relevance of beliefs to the successful outcome of psychotherapy. Beliefs about the treatment outcome, the aetiology and the stability of the therapeutic relationship all play a role. Internal and

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